Build a shoppping cart with MarionetteJS (1)


MarionetteJS adds to Backbone a structure to build large event-driven applications.

This article explains how to build a fully functional shopping cart with MarionetteJS and Apiary using  CompositeView and modules .

You can access all files here explained in this repo.

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Create a static server with node-static

We’ll use node-static to create the instance, first load it from npm:

$ sudo npm install node-static

Create a server.js file in your root path:

var static = require('node-static');
// Create a node-static server instance to serve the './public' folder
var file = new static.Server('./public');
require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
request.addListener('end', function () {
// Serve files!
file.serve(request, response);
console.log('server started at: http://localhost:1331');
console.log('press ctrl + c to stop server');
view raw server.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

To activate your static server, run:

$ node server.js

Now you’ll have access to all your static files inside /public folder, for example home.html -> http://localhost:1331/home.html.

Using dropbox as fast frontend publishing system

I recently had to find a system to show quickly and effective front-end work.

In my case i always separe projects into two phases: front-end and back-end. The first one is an adaptation of design to the static layouts, where i develop the structure of the files (fonts, images, css, js), layout, and functionality, etc. Thus while the client reviews this part I can start focus on next phase.

Normally we are used to working with remote servers (often shared servers), and upload the files via FTP or version control (SVN or git) … But sometimes you have to wait until you get the access to the server (from the client or the agency) which makes the work process more tedious.

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